Hello Editors, Welcome to our play-ground! Here we will create a model for collaborative site building, (fabric weaving) and begin the process of building out the Green Tent website. Grounding, anchoring and claiming it's energetic space in the web of life.
Going over the Basics
Here is some basic information to help you get oriented. Running horizontally at the top of the screen you will see the main navigation bar.
Build - When you click on the Build tab, All the tools you need to build will show up running vertically along the left side of your screen. After you create a page you will click on the Build tab and drag and drop the features you want onto your page.
Pages - The Pages tab allows you to add pages to the site. When you click on the tab an outline of all the pages will show up, running vertically on the left hand side of your screen. To add a page click on the + symbol next to the Pages txt. You can then choose the type of page you want to add and name it. It will show up on the bottom of the outline from there you can drag it into the order you want it in.
ALERT! Theme - The Theme tab allow you to change the theme of the site and the fonts. Please do not change the Theme or fonts at this time. Doing so will cause us to lose the work we've already done. We can discuss themes and fonts at the end of our inputting process. If you want to explore different themes you can create a separate website on your account. You are allowed up to 10 free websites.
Apps - The apps tab allows you to add different applications to the site.
Settings - The settings tab allows you to adjust general settings, SEO, editors, members, apps & blogs
Help - The help tab allows you to look up information and ask questions to Weebly support
The monitor icon allows you to view the site in desktop or mobile format.
Design & Typesetting Tips
Optimum readability of body copy is 9-12 words. Use Columns to keep your body copy text at optimal readability.
Always use black for body copy. Body copy is the main text in your story, that is not a header or sub header, usually set at 12pts or less. black is best for body copy because it optimizes readability.