Peacock is a great companion and teacher. It is not afraid of being itself and showing its true colors. It is standing tall and proud, its feathers glistening in the sunlight, showing its talents and gifts openly for everyone to see. Its inner light is emanating from its heart, nothing is hidden away.
Peacock teaches us to show our true colors, to shine and be ourselves, for standing in our power and shining our light has nothing to do with being arrogant but everything to do with daring to be the unique gift we are. The peacock was asked to guard this realm and protect the peace. Nothing goes by its eyes; it finds the viper among a thousand snakes and calls it out. There is no place in his heart for lies and deceit, it is incorruptible and will keep those under its protection from harm. It sees true beauty in every being and everything. Like a swan it has grown into its precious colorful feathers after a long time of learning and experienced and seen the beauty and uniqueness of the beings around it before the sunlight has touched its own beautiful feathers for the first time. It has gotten to know its inner strength and power by taking one step after the other on its path and thus it knows, that whatever is needed to achieve its dream, is already inside its heart and growing and will see the light of day at the right moment in time. The peacock does not hide, it shows its true colors. It has never learned to sing, a songbird it is not. It has no heart for shallow and fake compliments and flattery does not stop it from speaking its truth. It knows, when it is time to speak up. It does not mask its words; it speaks with a loud and clear voice. |
It sees through a thousand eyes, what was, what is and all the paths that lead into tomorrow. The Peacock knows its past lives and can see through any falsehood and deception. It sees true and is able to mend the eyes of those, that have seen, what they should not have had to see, so they can see the beauty of the world around them once more. The peacock was asked to guard this realm and protect the peace. Nothing goes by its eyes; it finds the viper among a thousand snakes and calls it out. There is no place in his heart for lies and deceit, it is incorruptible and will keep those under its protection from harm. |
We at Green Tent Circle, an international women’s circle, will be launching the, "Everyone Can Do Something" movement. Starting in the Spring of 2024 we will be sharing facts, inspiration, and ideas on what women around the world are doing in their communities to take better care of each other and Mother Earth. Story telling is the groundwork for knowledge!
To prepare and guide us along the way, Shaman, Storyteller and Artist Kristin Raphaela Otti will be sharing her Spirit Animal Drawings with animal wisdom and storytelling through the Animal Wisdom Speaks project. Kristin will introduce an Animal Drawing, their special wisdom and a story each month! Posts will be shared here on our website, in the Green Tent Circle Facebook Group Page and on Instagram. |
Kristin Raphaela Otti was born and raised in the Lavant Valley in Southern Austria, Carinthia. She is a shaman, storyteller, artist and drawer, a student eternal, who never stops learning and pursuing new paths, using the playful approach of a trickster to the ways of old, initiating change. Being a teacher and change manager by trade, she loves analyzing old structures, tearing them down and from the ensuing chaos of creation, dreams a new path into being.
Kristin is a firekeeper, tending to the fires of winter in the hearts of those, who wish to embark on a journey deep within themselves and reignite their dreams. Our lives have become rituals, our dreams routines, our hearts are frozen, encased in ice, yet there is an ember within our hearts, a spark, that, no matter, how deep and harsh the winter in our lives is, no matter, what we have experienced, cannot be extinguished – winterfire, hope eternal. It is the energy we can feel in every being, every plant, before they burst into bloom again, it is our pure essence, our fire, our dream. She works individually, in her way, no healing ceremony is the same, for there are no rituals to be held, but lives to be celebrated, beautiful hearts to be seen and unique dreams to be dreamt. A shaman’s task is to guide you, while you are embarking on a journey deep within your very core, your heart. Each and every single one of us, without exception, is a unique gift to this world, to all of creation. |
"Each and every single one of us, without exception, is a unique gift to this world, to all of creation." Each and every single heart bears healing within, a seed of light, waiting to be seen, to take root, to grow and to come into full bloom. A shaman takes you by the hand, guiding you through your shadows, so you can recognize your uniqueness and your incredible beauty, see yourself with bright and clear eyes, love yourself and know yourself for the gift you are. A shaman is there to guide you through storytelling, teaching and bringing back the ceremonies into your life, for your life is a ceremony and not a ritual, a gift to both you and to this world.