There is a movement afoot. Many of us feel an uneasiness within ourselves that something is not right. We might label it this or that, but there are too many changes underway to find only one blame.
One thing seems certain. The change underway is global, and around the world, people are growing into that awareness…that we are indeed co-inhabitants of One World. And through our capacities as human beings, that world is undergoing serious change. Most of us are afraid to some degree, and many of us are eager to hold onto something we can truly know. We are each playing our pieces as best we can into an unknown future. Like it or not, somehow we must learn to get along and cooperate for the good of us all. I’m writing into the Green Tent convergence of women because I believe that women have an advantage when facing the Unknown together. Their brains are biologically wired to listen beyond concrete knowing to best serve their children, and their hearts are biologically drawn to the future welfare of their children. And while men and women have much work to do together as well, women are critical now to sense into the future as a collective, to open to the guidance of that heart-driven collective wisdom we house, and to take steps that will optimally serve the whole of our home planet. I heard Leah Myers at the Parliament of World Religions speak in a panel of women. Each participant was doing beautiful work to effect positive change. Yet, Leah’s message, as the final presentation, was the most powerful from my perspective. With the examples of the women in the panel shining forth, she opened a door of 'possibility' for women worldwide. She claimed the moment for women around the globe, that we are now able to offer our gifts online without interference, without the gatekeepers who until now have been in charge of who did what on the Internet. Through so many apps we are FREE to share our work globally, FREE to offer books and videos and perspectives beyond anything that has ever come before. The power of that… women everywhere at every level, reaching for their deepest gifts to shift whatever is in their venue, their portion of what's happening in the world... becoming visible to one another, recognizing each other, aware of ourselves as womankind working together in service of the future... for the children of Earth! The abundance of opportunity that Leah was speaking about can be found here on this website as she gathers the sisterhood of women self-organizing for the Good of the Whole. I'm here, too, to be a voice for that Wholeness. I will do my best to sense into the Big Picture from my own experiences. And I will love to hear other perspectives that expand my view of what's happening on Planet Earth...
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