Everybody Can Do Something for Our Mother Earth
Thank you for being with us in moving into sacred actions in caring for our self, one another and Our blessed Mother Earth. We humans have harmed Her and now we must Do Something. She loves unconditionally and gives us everything we need to live and thrive. It is time to give back.
All actions count from planting trees, picking up plastic and becoming plastic fee, buying sustainable energy saving products and recycle packaging, starting your own garden and supporting a community garden, supporting local regenerative farming and fishing, saving and restoring wild nature preserves, landscaping with indigenous plants and trees, recycling, reusing, buying energy saving appliances, cars, housing, demand public transportation, bicycling, walking, consuming less and giving more to others, supporting eco-activists and eco-candidates for local and national governments for protecting free and clean water, stopping oil drilling and mining, stopping toxic pesticides and fertilizers, demanding and buying healthy foods and natural medicines.
This list will grow with each Action. Together we will come up with healthy
solutions and a lifestyle that will save us and our beautiful planet.
Everybody Can Do Something for Our Mother Earth movement s calling
for photos of Doing Something for Mother Earth. Imagine when we have thousands of photos from around the world by people of all ages doing something. The images tell the stories, bringing inspiration, hope and more and more actions that will save us, future generations and Her beautiful creation. Each photo tells a story of sacred actions and interconnects us in the movement in caring for creation. From a small child to an elder, we each are wanted, loved and needed in mending and regenerating the the web of life. Instructions for submitting photo or photos.
Eco-spiritual centers are already in existence and those forming can be posted on the Eco-
Spiritual Center Blog page for connections, sharing stories, support, and inspiration
for others.
Hashtag # I Will Help Mother Earth # Do Something for Mother Earth
Please reach out to young people, children, and adults for their involvement.
Together we will care for one another and Mother Earth.
All actions count from planting trees, picking up plastic and becoming plastic fee, buying sustainable energy saving products and recycle packaging, starting your own garden and supporting a community garden, supporting local regenerative farming and fishing, saving and restoring wild nature preserves, landscaping with indigenous plants and trees, recycling, reusing, buying energy saving appliances, cars, housing, demand public transportation, bicycling, walking, consuming less and giving more to others, supporting eco-activists and eco-candidates for local and national governments for protecting free and clean water, stopping oil drilling and mining, stopping toxic pesticides and fertilizers, demanding and buying healthy foods and natural medicines.
This list will grow with each Action. Together we will come up with healthy
solutions and a lifestyle that will save us and our beautiful planet.
Everybody Can Do Something for Our Mother Earth movement s calling
for photos of Doing Something for Mother Earth. Imagine when we have thousands of photos from around the world by people of all ages doing something. The images tell the stories, bringing inspiration, hope and more and more actions that will save us, future generations and Her beautiful creation. Each photo tells a story of sacred actions and interconnects us in the movement in caring for creation. From a small child to an elder, we each are wanted, loved and needed in mending and regenerating the the web of life. Instructions for submitting photo or photos.
Eco-spiritual centers are already in existence and those forming can be posted on the Eco-
Spiritual Center Blog page for connections, sharing stories, support, and inspiration
for others.
Hashtag # I Will Help Mother Earth # Do Something for Mother Earth
Please reach out to young people, children, and adults for their involvement.
Together we will care for one another and Mother Earth.